Have your say on the options for a better consenting system
Posted: 7 June 2023

A review of the building consent system is currently underway. If you work within the building consent system or have used it to get approval for building work in the past, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on potential options to improve the current building consent system, before 5pm on 7 August 2023.
Let's build a better consent system together - mbie.govt.nz
The review aims to modernise the system to provide assurance to building owners and users that building work will be done right the first time. This ensures that buildings are well-made, healthy, durable and safe. A better building consent system is a key priority of the Government and is necessary to support transformation of our housing market to unlock productivity growth and make houses more affordable.
This first principles review is an end-to-end review of the building consent system – from building design through to issuing a code compliance certificate.
The building consent system has evolved from the one first established in 1991, when new homes were predominantly detached, single-storey, timber-framed buildings. Since then, the way in which we design, procure and build has changed substantially. Other trends, such as an increase in volume and complexity of building work and substantial growth in consents for multi-unit dwellings, also signal that the time is right for the review.
In July 2022, the review received feedback from stakeholders which confirmed that the current building consent system is delivering on its purpose by ensuring buildings are healthy, safe and durable. This feedback also showed that there are opportunities to improve the system.
Key desirable building consent system outcomes
We have developed potential options that could improve the building consent system. The options paper seeks feedback in the following areas and where policy work is underway:
- strengthening roles and responsibilities
- new assurance pathways
- better delivery of building consent services
- better performance monitoring and system stewardship
- better responding to the needs and aspirations of Māori.
The options paper also includes options to address the following recommendations from the Commerce Commission's market study into residential building supplies:
- promoting competition in the building regulatory system
- removing impediments to product substitution and variations.
We seek your feedback to test these potential options and understand how they could improve the building consent system to help you, your business and the building profession. You can choose to respond to any sections in the consultation - you do not have to complete all the sections. You can also suggest other options if you consider they will help achieve the outcomes sought.
This consultation will inform advice to Ministers on what options should be progressed as a priority and the detailed design of options the Government chooses to progress, as well as what options require further consideration and consultation.
To support the building consent system review, MBIE has also released the Risk, Liability and Insurance in the Building Sector policy position statement. This provides background and context that clarifies the Government's position on risk, liability and insurance matters for the building and construction sector. MBIE is not consulting on the policy position statement.
Take some time to review the options and issues important to you and provide feedback before 5pm on 7 August 2023, either by completing the online survey email or post. And let's build a better consent system — together
Have your say on the building consent system review - mbie.govt.nz