The Building System Reforms aim to lift performance of the regulatory system and drive better outcomes for the sector and for New Zealanders. A high performing building and construction industry is crucial to Aotearoa New Zealand's economy and vital for delivering safe, healthy and durable buildings for everyone. The Building System Reforms have been phased so we can deliver positive changes quickly, while continuing to focus on areas that need more development. This gives the sector time to shift to new regulatory settings with minimal disruption.
Programme details
Learn about the background to the reforms, why we are making these changes and how to keep informed.

Find out what the reforms involve and why we are making these changes.

Building System Reform implementation timeframes
Building System Reforms cover multiple areas of work which are all concurrently underway.

Maximum penalties and time frames
Maximum penalties and other changes came into effect on 8 June 2021.

A voluntary certification scheme for off-site modular component manufacturers who meet certain requirements.

A stronger CodeMark
Learn what changes are proposed to product certification building laws, and what they mean for you.

Building product information requirements
Learn what changes have been made to building product information laws, and what they mean for you.

Here you'll find the resources we have published to date and information on our events and consultations.
Delivering changes to occupational regulation in the sector
Occupational regulation reforms will ensure that an appropriate competency bar is set for all building professionals, that only skilled and competent people carry out building work, and poor performers are held to account .