Consultation opens on the 2022 Building Code update
Posted: 2 May 2022

MBIE updates selected Building Code acceptable solutions and verification methods annually and runs a consultation to provide an opportunity for the public and the building and construction sector to have their say on the proposed changes.
This year’s proposed changes aim to make new buildings better protect the safety and wellbeing of New Zealanders, and focus on plumbing and drainage, protection from fire and structural stability of hollow-core floors.
Proposed changes to the Building Code
We’re proposing changes to:
- improve the safety and reliability of plumbing and drainage systems
- amend the compliance pathway for the use of hollow-core floor systems in new buildings
- improve the level of fire safety for our buildings.
Have your say
Find out more about the proposed changes and submit your feedback
The consultation will run until Friday 1 July 2022.