Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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2024/069: Regarding the compliance of building work with Building Code Clause E1 Surface water.

This determination considers whether the building work carried out at 189 Tanners Point Road relating to surface water collection and disposal complies with clause E1.3.1 as it relates to the protection of ‘other property’.

This turns on whether surface water collected or concentrated by buildings or sitework at 189 Tanners Point Road avoids the likelihood of damage or nuisance to 195 Tanners Point Road.

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2024/061: Regarding a proposed notice to fix for the construction of a cable car building, two sets of stairways, and a toilet and shower building

This determination looks at building work to construct a cable car building, two sets of stairs, and the installation of a toilet and shower building at the property.

The determination considers the authority’s proposed decision to issue a notice to fix and the compliance of the stairways with Building Code Clauses D1 – Access routes and F4 – Safety from falling.

It considers whether there was a requirement to obtain building consent for the work carried out as well as whether the stairways require handrails and/or a barrier.

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2024/058: An authority’s decisions to issue a building consent and code compliance certificate for a dwelling and compliance with B1

This determination considers an authority’s decisions to grant a building consent and issue a code compliance certificate for construction of a dwelling.

The determination turns on whether the design and construction of the timber pile foundations comply with Building Code Clause B1 Structure.

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2024/051: Compliance of roof cladding on a house with clause E2 External moisture

This determination considers whether a roof cladding system as installed on a house complies with Building Code Clause E2 External moisture.

Specifically, the determination considers how the perimeter edges of the profile metal cladding have been finished where it overhangs the gutters, along with the associated eaves flashing.

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2024/050: Regarding compliance with the Building Code and the issue of a code compliance certificate for building work associated with a new dwelling

This determination considers the decision to issue a code compliance certificate for a building consent to construct a dwelling.

The determination also considers compliance with the Building Code of a deck, surface water drainage system in the vicinity of that deck and the foundation walls with Clauses B1 Structure, B2 Durability, E1 Surface Water and E2 External Moisture.

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2024/043: Regarding the purported refusal of a building consent.

This determination considers an authority’s purported decision to refuse to grant a building consent for an extension to an existing shed. The determination considers the authority’s requirement for a geotechnical report prepared by a Chartered Professional Engineer with a practice field in geotechnical engineering.

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2024/036: The proposed refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for a house

This determination concerns the authority’s proposed refusal of a code compliance certificate. The determination considers whether the building work complies with the building consent, and whether particular elements of the building work comply with the relevant clauses of the Building Code.

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2024/035: The purported refusal to grant a building consent for a skillion roof and whether it complies with E2.3.5 by way of E2/AS1

This determination considers an authority’s purported refusal to grant a building consent for a proposed skillion roof design on an extension to an existing dwelling. The roof design is intended to comply with E2.3.5 by way of acceptable solution E2/AS1 for ventilation to this roof space.

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2024/021: Regarding the issuing of a notice to fix for a partially completed new single storey residential building

This determination considers the decision by an authority to issue a notice to fix for a partially completed new single storey residential building. The determination considers whether the areas of work identified on the notice comply with the building consent and whether the foundations comply with Building Code clause B1.3.1.

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2024/020: Compliance of a CCTV system relating to awareness of the outside

The determination will consider if a proposed CCTV in the living space of two units in a new development complies with G7.3.2 for visual awareness of the outside.

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