CodeMark certification vs product appraisals

Codemark cert approval

The uses and differences of both CodeMark certificates and product appraisals in New Zealand.

CodeMark certification and product appraisals are two different compliance pathways that manufacturers or suppliers can use to show their building product meets the requirements of the Building Code. Both have their own set of criteria and will be treated differently by Building Consent Authorities (BCAs).

CodeMark certification

CodeMark is an unchallengeable form of product assurance. It has legal status equivalent to that of an Acceptable Solution or Verification Method. BCAs must accept a CodeMark product certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code and cannot require an applicant to provide further evidence of compliance – that is, as long as the product is used in accordance with the scope and limitations defined on the certificate.

CodeMark certification has robust quality assurance framework that goes all the way back to the manufacturer of components and has on-going product or building method auditing requirements to ensure quality and compliance with the building code is maintained in accordance with the claims on the certificate.

Information about CodeMark

Product appraisals

An appraisal is a technical opinion of a building product or system's fitness for purpose. It involves testing and verification of Building Code compliance and is done by an independent appraisal organisation. An appraisal organisation should be independent of the product’s manufacturer or distributor.

Appraisals have no legal standing. However, they can form a useful part of evidence of compliance.

It is up to the professional judgement of the BCA to determine whether they are satisfied that an appraisal certificate has enough evidence to show that a product to be used in the proposed building work meets the requirements of the Building Code.

Characteristics of CodeMark certificates and  product appraisals

  CodeMark Certificate  Appraisal 
Deemed to comply with the Building Code  Yes No
Provides technical information for a product  Yes Yes
Issued by a product certification body undertaking its accredited and registered certification functions Yes No
Administered by MBIE  Yes No
Can be used to support building consent applications  Yes Yes

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