About CodeMark
Last updated: 5 December 2024

CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that shows a building product or method meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code.
What is CodeMark
CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that provides an easy-to-understand and robust way to show a building product or building method meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code (the Building code).
CodeMark is suitable for any building product or method but is particularly beneficial to manufacturers and suppliers of products that are innovative, new to the market or would have serious consequences if they failed.
CodeMark certified products are 'deemed to comply' with the Building Code. Building consent authorities (BCAs) must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code, provided the certificate is current and valid, and the product or method is used in accordance with the scope and limitations as defined on the certificate.
Step-by-step guide
Building consent authorities must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence of compliance with the New Zealand Building Code, as long as the product is used in accordance with the scope and limitations defined on the certificate.
The step-by-step guide shows how CodeMark works within the building consent process.
Step by step guide for CodeMark
CodeMark and building product assurance in Aotearoa New Zealand
CodeMark is currently the only 'deemed to comply' product certification scheme in Aotearoa New Zealand.
There are some third-party certification bodies that are not CodeMark accredited who assess products against the requirements of certain Standards or the Building Code and issue product certificates. Certification under these schemes is different from CodeMark in that the certificate does not have to be accepted by BCAs as evidence of compliance with the Building Code. However, it may still help as part of your product assurance options to demonstrate compliance with the Building Code.
Manufacturers and suppliers may find alternatives to CodeMark that are less stringent levels of assurance, such as product technical statements (PTS) or independent testing, are enough for building products that have in service history and are accepted in the New Zealand building industry.
Other product assurance options
Using CodeMark certificates
The current versions of all CodeMark certificates are publicly available on the Te Pae Product Certificate Register.
Te Pae Product Certificate Register - tepae.building.govt.nz
When you are using a CodeMark certified product, CodeMark certificates must be supplied with your building consent application.
Having a CodeMark-certified product does not eliminate the need for a building consent or building consent authority (BCA) inspections during the building process.
BCAs need to be satisfied that the conditions on the certificate for the CodeMark product have been met and its proposed use is within the scope of the certificate.
They do not need to sight or assess any of the product's supporting evidence, such as test reports, calculations and assessments and must rely on the certificate itself as proof of compliance with the Building Code. The BCA may want to sight the technical and installation information that is referenced on the certificate.
If the product is being used outside the scope of certificate the BCA will be unable to rely solely on the product certificate and will likely need to see further evidence of compliance with the Building Code.