History of the CodeMark scheme

The CodeMark scheme was established in New Zealand in 2008 and recently went through some changes as part of the Building System Reforms.
History of CodeMark
The original CodeMark scheme was developed in 2008 by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), in consultation with the New Zealand Department of Building and Housing, Australian State and Territory governments, industry groups and certification bodies. The scheme was developed in response to the increasing integration of the building products market between Australia and New Zealand.
In 2016, the ABCB implemented a revised set of CodeMark scheme rules specifically for Australia. CodeMark New Zealand started operating as a separate entity.
The CodeMark scheme has operated in New Zealand under the legislative framework provided by the Building Act 2004, the Building (Product Certification) Regulations 2008 and specific CodeMark scheme rules.
In 2021 the Government introduced rule and regulation-making powers to strengthen the existing CodeMark scheme through the Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 (the Amendment Act 2021).
The Amendment Act 2021 and the Building (Product Certification) Regulations 2022 introduced new requirements for the CodeMark scheme, including criteria for the accreditation and registration of product certification bodies and registration requirements for product certificates. The changes also moved the operational CodeMark scheme rules to secondary legislation set by MBIE’s Chief Executive.
The Building (Product Certification) Regulations 2022 were made on 7 June 2022 and commenced on 7 September 2022.
The revised scheme rules provide consistency and clarity, improve usability, and include some new provisions based on sector feedback, changing practices, and our experiences with how the scheme has operated to date in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The revised CodeMark scheme rules were made on 2 September 2022.
Changes to CodeMark
The Amendment Act 2021 has strengthened MBIE's oversight of the CodeMark Scheme by introducing registration requirements for Product Certification Bodies (PCB) and CodeMark certificates. As part of this registration function MBIE can now audit a PCB and suspend or revoke the registration of a PCB or product certificate if appropriate.
Applying for a CodeMark certifcate
The Amendment Act 2021 also introduced new offences for a person who falsely claims to be a PCB or have CodeMark certification for their products. BCAs, industry and building owners will have greater assurance that products labelled with a CodeMark certificate can be used safely in building work.
Other changes to the CodeMark Scheme included new scheme rules to make the requirements clearer and more consistent; new scheme rule provisions based on sector feedback, changing practices, and MBIE's experience with how the scheme has operated to date.