Rapid building assessment resources
Last updated: 3 July 2024

Resources to assist authorised Rapid Building Assessors and engineers to effectively carry out rapid building assessments.
The following field guides, rapid building assessment forms and placards are used by authorised Rapid Building Assessors (RBAs) and engineers to effectively carry out rapid building assessments following an emergency event.
Field guides
Authorised RBAs and engineers should carry out rapid building assessments in accordance with the relevant field guide:
- Rapid Post Disaster Building Usability Assessment – Earthquakes
- Rapid Post Disaster Building Usability Assessment – Flooding
- Rapid Post Disaster Building Usability Assessment – Geotechnical
The field guides are currently being revised to include up to date information, including the current assessment forms and placards.
Rapid building assessment forms
Territorial authorities and authorised RBAs must use the approved forms and placards when preparing rapid building assessments.
Forms (PDF)
Building rapid assessment form (all event types) [PDF 349KB]
Geotechnical rapid building assessment form [PDF 373KB]
Rapid building assessment survey templates (digital forms)
Digital versions of the rapid building assessment and geotechnical forms are available for territorial authorities to download onto an Arc GIS platform (eg Survey 123).
Guidance for RBAs
How to access rapid building assessment templates on Survey123
Guidance and resources for system administrators
MBIE rapid building assessment survey templates and data dictionary
Publishing the MBIE RBA survey templates
Rapid building assessment placards
The following placards are used by authorised RBAs, following a rapid building assessment, to show how a building may be used and whether there are any restrictions to occupancy. Only authorised officials can place, change or remove these placards.
Download and print:
- White "Can Be Used" placard [PDF 43KB]
- Yellow "Restricted Access" placard [PDF 48KB]
- Red "Unsafe - Do Not Enter" placard [PDF 44KB]
- Optional diagram sheet for placards [PDF 52KB]
- Notice of post-event assessment in absence of occupier [DOC 26KB]
Placards and forms quick guide to the 2023 changes
MBIE produced a quick guide detailing the changes to the placards and rapid building assessment forms, including implementation information for territorial authorities.
Rapid building assessment placards and forms quick guide [PDF 1.2MB]
Detailed assessments
In a state of emergency or transition period, or when an affected area has been designated under the Building Act for building emergency management, civil defence emergency management/territorial authority officials can direct the owner of a building, or owners of buildings of a particular type, to obtain a detailed assessment of the building. These assessments are the responsibility of a building owner.
Information about the assessment process can be found in MBIE's Guidance for decision-makers and territorial authorities on managing buildings in an emergency.
The Civil Defence website also has further information about requiring a structural assessment.
Guidance is also available on the different types of detailed assessments: