Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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2024/025: An authority’s decision to grant building consents under section 72

This determination considers an authority’s decision to grant building consents under section 72 of the Building Act 2004.  The authority’s decision gives rise to a natural hazard notice being entered on the record of title for the property where the building work will take place.

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2024/024: Authority’s refusal to modify a building consent for two relocatable detached dwellings to allow for separate code compliance certificates

This determination considers an authority's decision to refuse to modify a building consent for two relocatable dwellings built in a factory by administratively splitting it to allow for individual code compliance certificates to be issued.

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2024/023: Regarding the refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing dwelling

This determination considers the authority’s refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing dwelling. The authority considered that the building consent could not be granted for a range of reasons, including a lack of documentation, construction details, and conflicting information in the plans. This determination considers the reasons for refusal set out by the authority in its letter.

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2024/022: Regarding a notice to fix for alterations to a commercial building

This determination considers the authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix for contravention of section 40 in respect of the installation of sanitary fixtures and a hot water cylinder in a commercial building. The determination discusses whether the works carried out are exempt from requiring a building consent under Schedule 1 of the Building Act.

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2024/021: Regarding the issuing of a notice to fix for a partially completed new single storey residential building

This determination considers the decision by an authority to issue a notice to fix for a partially completed new single storey residential building. The determination considers whether the areas of work identified on the notice comply with the building consent and whether the foundations comply with Building Code clause B1.3.1.

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2024/020: Compliance of a CCTV system relating to awareness of the outside

The determination will consider if a proposed CCTV in the living space of two units in a new development complies with G7.3.2 for visual awareness of the outside.

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2024/019: The refusal of a Schedule 1 discretionary exemption for partial reclad of a dwelling

This determination considers an authority’s decision to refuse to grant a discretionary exemption under clause 2 of Schedule 1 for building work to partially reclad a house. It also considers the application of clause 1 of Schedule 1 which allows general repairs, maintenance and replacement to be carried out without building consent.

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2024/018: Regarding the refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to replace the external cladding of a dormer roof and window

This determination looks at the authority’s decision to refuse to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing multi-unit dwelling due to a dormer wall not being fire rated. The determination considers whether fire rating the wall is necessary to meet the requirements of section 112(1)(b) of the Building Act.

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2024/017: Regarding the issuing of an earthquake-prone building notice for a commercial building

This determination considers the decision by a territorial authority to issue an earthquake-prone building notice under section 133AL for a commercial building. 

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2024/016: The issue of a notice to fix for building work associated with a two storey sleepout building with sanitary fixtures

This determination considers the issue of a notice to fix for building work associated with a two storey sleepout building with sanitary fixtures. The determination considers whether the building work was exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent under Schedule 1, and whether adequate particulars were set out in the notice to fix (in regards to both section 40 and section 17). It also discusses several issues relating to the notice to fix framework.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: