Register of earthquake-prone buildings (EPB Register)

Last updated: 26 July 2017

EPB - Register

The EPB Register provides information about buildings that territorial authorities (local councils) have determined to be earthquake prone. These decisions will be made progressively within the time frames defined in the Building Act 2004.

Information about these buildings will be available online once the territorial authority has issued an earthquake-prone building notice (EPB notice) and recorded the details in the register.

Over the next few months territorial authorities who issued notices for buildings under the old system will start to add these buildings to the EPB Register. This means that information about these buildings will become available in this new register over time.

Register of earthquake-prone buildings

Seismic risk areas and time frames has further information.

If you cannot find information about buildings in your search area, find an error in a building record, or want to find out more about a specific building, please contact the territorial authority for the relevant district.

For information about what must be recorded in the EPB Register or to report a technical fault please contact MBIE on or call 0800 24 22 43 during business hours.

Information for territorial authorities

The Building Act requires territorial authorities to record and update certain information about buildings they have determined as earthquake prone in the EPB Register. This information is defined in the Building Act.

As well as providing for this mandatory information, the EPB Register also allows territorial authorities to upload details to make it easier for the public to identify earthquake-prone buildings, such as:

  • location information so buildings can be found on a map
  • images associated with an address or a part of a building
  • a copy of the EPB notice.

If your territorial authority does not yet have access to the EPB Register to record this information please contact the Register Administrator on

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: