Last updated: 31 August 2023

In June 2022, the government launched BuiltReady - a new voluntary certification scheme for off-site modular component manufacturers who meet certain requirements. This scheme forms part of the Building Amendment Act 2021.
Background to the BuiltReady scheme
Current building consenting processes are designed around traditional construction methods, including plan and specification assessments and on-site inspections. For modular component manufacturers, much of the construction happens off-site before the prefabricated building elements are put together on-site, limiting the effectiveness of visual inspections.
Existing processes mean building consent authorities can have difficulty assuring themselves of build quality and compliance with the New Zealand Building Code where traditional inspection practices can't be used.
The Building Amendment Act 2021 introduced a new voluntary manufacturer certification scheme for Modular Component Manufacturers (MCM).
Prefabricated construction will be monitored to consistently produce a good quality product. The entire process from design (where relevant), manufacture, assembly, transportation and installation on-site, will be assessed through checks and balances to ensure construction meets the requirements of the building code.
If manufacturers meet robust quality standards and criteria, they can apply for certification to produce modular building components in one of two ways:
- Manufacture only – they can manufacture modular building components to a building code compliant design.
- Design and manufacture – they can manufacture modular building components to a building code compliant design that they have developed or adapted themselves.
Third party inspections, audits and post-certification surveillance will ensure certified manufacturers are producing modular components that meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code.
BCAs can focus on on-site building work not covered by the MCM certification such as site works, foundations, plumbing and electrical connections or connections to utilities such as sewerage and storm water.