Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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25 Determinations match your query
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2025/008: An authority’s decisions to issue two notices to fix for a change of use and construction of tents without building consent

This determination considers an authority’s decisions to issue two notices to fix.

The determination considers whether the owner’s house had undergone a change of use in contravention of sections 114 and 115 of the Building Act 2004.

It also considers whether two tents installed on the property were exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent under Schedule 1 of the Building Act.

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2024/064: Regarding the compliance of proposed internal door locks which alter the building’s means of escape from fire

This determination considers whether the proposed installation of bedroom door locks at a residential housing facility, which alters the building’s means of escape from fire, complies with Building Code clause C4 Movement to a place of safety.

It also considers clause A1 Classified Uses to identify the extent to which the building must comply with C4.

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2024/060: An authority’s refusal to withdraw two notices to fix issued in relation to a change of use

This determination considers an authority’s decision to refuse to withdraw two notices to fix, which the owners believe had been satisfied by reverting to the building’s original use.

The determination turns on whether letting the house for short-term holiday accommodation to single groups constitutes a change of use from SH (Sleeping Single Home) to SA (Sleeping Accommodation).

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2024/059: An authority’s refusal to withdraw two notices to fix issued in relation to a change of use

This determination considers an authority’s decision to refuse to withdraw two notices to fix, which the owners believe had been satisfied by reverting to the building’s original use.

The determination turns on whether letting the house for short-term holiday accommodation to single groups constitutes a change of use from SH (Sleeping Single Home) to SA (Sleeping Accommodation).

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2024/047: An authority's decision to issue a notice to fix for a change of use of a house.

This determination is subject to appeal​.

This determination considers an authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix. The determination considers whether a change of use has occurred, the remedies in the notice, and whether section 167 of the Building Act applies.

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2024/038: An authority’s decisions to issue a notice to fix and a dangerous and insanitary building notice.

This determination considers an authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix and whether there has been a change of use under the Building Act of a house and converted garage. The determination also considers the authority’s decision to issue a dangerous and insanitary building notice for the converted garage.

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2024/003: Whether three buildings are backcountry huts

This determination considers whether, for the purpose of compliance with the Building Code, three buildings meet the definition of 'backcountry hut' in Clause A2 Interpretation. The determination considers if the buildings are intended to provide overnight shelter to any person who may visit and who carries his or her own food, bedding, clothing, and outdoor equipment.

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2023/034: An authority's decision to issue a notice to fix for a change of use of a building

This determination considers an authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix under section 164 of the Building Act 2004. The determination turns on whether there has been a 'change of use' of a building or part of the building for the purposes of the Act.

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2023/017: The proposed issue of a notice to fix regarding the change of use of motel units

This determination considers whether there was a change of use in relation to a building
that was used for emergency housing, where previously it had been used as tourist
accommodation. More specifically, the determination considers whether the use group
changed from 'sleeping accommodation' to 'sleeping residential' and, if so, whether that
resulted in additional or more onerous Building Code requirements.

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2022/012: Whether a building which is occasionally used for public accommodation falls within the classified use 'detached dwellings'

The determination concerns the classified use of a building that is let out on occasion for public accommodation. The determination considers whether the classified use falls within "Detached dwellings" or "Community service" under Building Code Clause A1 - Classified uses.

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