Baby change and feeding rooms

Baby changing and feeding facilities provided should consider the needs of all building users.

Baby change facilities

Parents and carers of either sex should be able to use baby changing facilities.

Baby change facilities and feeding rooms should be separate for hygiene reasons.

Baby change facilities in single sex accommodation should be in addition to unisex facilities.

If for space reasons the baby changing facility needs to be located in an accessible toilet, the footprint of the toilet needs to be bigger to allow for the installation of a drop down table and the location of large bins. Without this extra space, the toilet will be compromised for use by wheelchair users.

If the only baby changing table is located in the only accessible toilet in a building, it is likely to impact on the use of that space as a toilet.

All fixtures and fittings should contrast with their immediate background to be more easily located

Design considerations

  • Ensure baby change facilities are separate from feeding rooms.
  • Provide baby change facilities with changing tables at two heights, hand washing and drying facilities, nappy disposal bin and a shelf or table for personal belongings.
  • Ensure the footprint of an accessible toilets containing a baby change facility is larger than standard to accommodate a drop down table and waste bins.

Feeding rooms

A dedicated feeding room should be provided for breast-feeding.

While breastfeeding in public is becoming more commonplace, some mothers may prefer to be in a private space.

Provisions for mothers using breast pumps should include comfortable seats near power outlets.

Hand washing facilities for breast feeding and breast pumping spaces should be available.

There should be adequate space within the room for a double buggy.

All fixtures and fittings should contrast with their immediate background to be more easily located

Design considerations

  • Provide a properly fitted out feeding room where possible.

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: