Summary of submissions published for the review of occupational regulation

Posted: 16 August 2023

MBIE Building Performance Day3 Tauranga 241
The Government is continuing its occupational regulation reforms in the building and construction sector, to help ensure each of the regimes are effective, fit for purpose and moving towards a consistent approach across the sector.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) released a public consultation document in February this year. The document asked for feedback on:

  • proposed changes to the licensing and supervision areas for the Licensed Building Practitioners regime, and the competencies and minimum standards that must be met to be licensed
  • the scope of a proposed code of ethics for plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers, and electrical workers
  • the future of the Registered Architects Act 2005.

The consultation, which closed on 6 April 2023, received considerable feedback with 643 responses from a broad range of stakeholders across the building and construction sector, particularly from registered architects. MBIE has analysed the submissions and published a summary of these on its website.

Review of occupational regulation - summary of submissions –

Next steps

Over the next year, MBIE will undertake targeted consultation to confirm the changes to the Licensed Building Practitioner regime’s supervision and licensing areas. In 2024, MBIE will further consult on the Registered Architects regime, the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers regime and the Electrical Workers regime.

Wider changes to the building control system

The occupational regulation reforms are part of a series of changes to the wider building control system called the Building System Reforms. These reforms aim to lift the performance of the building regulatory system, ensuing building work is done right the first time and providing fairer outcomes if things go wrong. They seek improvements so that building work can be done more efficiently, and so that buildings are safe, healthy and durable.

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